A D vs. Rust example

rikki cattermole rikki at cattermole.co.nz
Fri Oct 21 20:33:33 UTC 2022

On 22/10/2022 9:11 AM, Don Allen wrote:
> And I don't use dub to build my code (I'm open to it, but I've found the 
> documentation thoroughly inadequate), so using its lint to check my code 
> is more than a bit of a pain.

DScanner of course is separate from dub, so that isn't an issue if you 
do something different.

 > So for me, the D existing tools to statically evaluate code in a 
manner similar to the Rust compiler are just not where I would like them 
to be.

DScanner is currently being rewritten to use dmd-fe, so these 
semantically required checks will be implementable (as long as all files 
required to compile a module is provided).

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