Why is D's GC slower than GO's?

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at progtools.org
Sun Oct 30 08:29:59 UTC 2022

On Sunday, 30 October 2022 at 07:16:27 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 10/29/2022 11:41 PM, Paulo Pinto wrote:
>> No one has bothered to endure the work and the voting process 
>> to make it part of ISO, including Microsoft that published it 
>> via ECMA.
>> As for why no other has adopted it, it really only makes sense 
>> for bytecode based stacks, and there is no competition to CLR 
>> for low-level languages.
> Not a good sign for D needing to adopt managed pointers.

Yeah, but those managed pointers are taken advantage in 
commercial products like Meadow boards,


Not in C++/CLI, but via C#, VB.NET and F#, as they are anyway CLR 

Also the fact that Native AOT is now part of the picture, instead 
of the NGEN, .NET Native and Mono AOT special cases, makes it 
even better.

Unity is also taking avantage of those managed pointers while 
they migrate to .NET Core away from Mono, and in the process 
rewrite part of the C++ infrastructure into C#.

Many of the C# 7 and later improvements for low level coding, 
came from two main camps, former Midori developers and Unity 

Two domains that D with its pure approach to pointers has lost, 
embedded development and game engines scripting.

Swift and Objective-C, the system programing languages of Apple 
also have multiple pointer types.

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