[Phobos library reference] Annoying duplication: std_experimental_logger and std_logger?

BoQsc vaidas.boqsc at gmail.com
Fri Aug 18 06:49:29 UTC 2023

It seems like 
https://dlang.org/phobos/std_experimental_logger.html is now 
implemented and
its only job now is to point to 


I wouldn't write this thread if it wasn't annoying to have this 
duplicity in the library reference. It wastes your attention and 


The above image shows problem: when you open std Phobos Library 
Reference, first thing you see is experimental logger, you click 
it only to be greeted with a link to stable logger. Which is way 
below the experimental in the hierarchy of library reference.

**My thought:** I think 
https://dlang.org/phobos/std_experimental_logger.html should be 

### Bonus idea: separate std experimental from std
Separating stable and experimental features would reduce 
confusion and allows for more efficient reference browsing.


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