D is our last hope

Adam Wilson flyboynw at gmail.com
Wed Dec 20 11:22:39 UTC 2023

On Wednesday, 20 December 2023 at 00:20:38 UTC, GrimMaple wrote:
> I don't have this pathological hatred towards phobos that some 
> other Devs have and my code does rely on it heavily. That being 
> said, phobos is really lacking in features. Also, it is a mess 
> of incompatible paradigms. To me, a good example is C#'s 
> `System`, that gets you 99% of what you want from the get go. 
> Phobos, unfortunately, provides about 10% at best.

This is exactly what I mean when I say that Phobos should get 
bigger, not smaller. Phobos needs to incorporate more features 
that have broad applicability (Cross-cutting concerns). For 
example, server-apps, desktop/mobile-apps, embedded-apps all may 
have use for a Streams type interface, all for different reasons, 
but providing a standard Stream interface would allow all of 
those apps to interoperate with less friction.

> I don't really care for speed in a standard library, for me it 
> should allow me to get stuff done quickly. I can swap out for 
> an optimized solution later if needed.

If somebody really wants to, they can put an optimized version on 
DUB. But in general, people generally don't know what packages to 
use, and so they don't. By putting the kitchen sink into Phobos 
we're saying "here are known good implementations of the tools 
you need."

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