D is our last hope

monkyyy crazymonkyyy at gmail.com
Fri Dec 22 21:02:41 UTC 2023

On Friday, 22 December 2023 at 00:19:36 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> It is normal for organized language communities to require a 
> spec for any language changes. I'm not aware of any that don't.

We do not have a committee, your are a dictator for life, formal 
documents are how committees communicate *among* themselves, we 
are often peasants before a king. I don't sit on a committee, I 
don't how a title, why should I try to be fancy? Im better off 
playing a jester to amase the king.

We should pretend to balance concerns trying to get a majority to 
vote on something, its ummmmm you and your aesthetic concerns for 
what will make news on hn or something.

If you wish to make a commmitty, I suggest you get a list of 
names of people with d projects, pick 30 by lottery, and give 
them the power to merge a patch *despite your objections* with a 

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