D is our last hope

Adam D Ruppe destructionator at gmail.com
Sat Dec 23 06:36:46 UTC 2023

On Saturday, 23 December 2023 at 06:18:16 UTC, Walter Bright 
> To communicate a proposal to users, a specification is also 
> needed. Telling users to read the code isn't going to work.

Dozens of other people have had no trouble reading the extensive 
documentation and numerous usage examples.

In fact, more often than not, telling users to read a 
specification doesn't work - documentation and examples tend to 
be much better teaching tools.

> A specification is needed to determine what the proposal is, 
> and what it is not. It is also used to judge whether the 
> implementation is correct or not.

For a new feature, there is no meaningful difference between a 
spec bug and an impl bug. The question at hand is if the behavior 
is *useful* or not.

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