D is our last hope

GrimMaple grimmaple95 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 23 13:15:01 UTC 2023

On Saturday, 23 December 2023 at 10:13:50 UTC, Daniel N wrote:
> That can be incrementally improved, quality of implementation, 
> no spec needed.

Same could be said about Adam's string interpolation, couldn't 
it? Yet here Walter sits demanding some kind of "spec" and not 
using this "can be incrementally improved" argument. Why is it 
that Walter's changes can be "improved later", and Adam's can 
not? You have to understand that I'm not trying to attack ImportC 
personally, even though I might be the biggest ImportC protester 
to this day. I'm trying to attack an obviously doubly standarded 
practice when one person demands specs and compliance from 
everyone else, even when the rest of the community disagrees, and 
feels no need to commit in the same way. If you want specs, then 
write them youself for your own changes too.

> Has anyone actually found a concrete problem? Then create a 
> thread and discuss that.

Again, same could be said about Adam's string interpolation. 
Where is the discussion besides "gib spec"?

As for ImportC, there are __plenty__ of fundamental issues with 
it that just get ignored.

> 11 out of 10 times Walter delivers beyond expectations. There 
> are of course some rare counter examples, but then please focus 
> on those and not hypothetical arguments.

This is exactly the thing I'm talking about. He shows up, burdens 
the community with his Super Cool Idea™, doesn't write specs, 
doesn't explain anything, people find sink holes in it, he merges 
it anyway. And now we are in this room: ImportC is already a 
thing (or rather, a broken mess) that __all__ the DMD 
contributors have to deal with. And it's not like this 
"discussing" is going to change the sad reality of this mess 
being broken. No amount of arguing is going to undo the 
maintenance burden that was forced upon contributors, no matter 
what you do.

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