preview in: it seems that return type auto solves scope variable assignment to this

Dmytro Katyukha firemage.dima at
Thu Feb 9 17:42:00 UTC 2023


Not sure it is bug, or feature, or what is going on in examples 
below (with `-preview=in` enabled).

For example, we have following code snippet:

import std.stdio;
import std.path;

struct Path {
     private string _path;

     @safe pure nothrow this(in string path) {
         _path = path.dup;

     @safe pure nothrow this(in string[] segments...) {

     /// Check if current path is inside other path
     @safe bool isInside(in Path other) const {
         import std.algorithm: startsWith;
         return this.toAbsolute.segments.startsWith(

     @safe Path toAbsolute() const {
         return Path(

     @safe pure auto segments() const {
         return std.path.pathSplitter(_path);


unittest {
     assert(Path("my", "dir", "42").isInside(Path("my", "dir")) == 
     assert(Path("my", "dir", "42").isInside(Path("oth", "dir")) 
== false);

void main()
     auto p = Path(".");
     auto h = Path("~");
     auto r = p.isInside(h);

Without `-preview=in` option, this code sample works just fine.
But when i enable `-preview=in` (or just manualy replace `in` 
with `scope const` in `isInside` method) it fails with following 

source/app.d(19,13): Error: scope variable `other` assigned to 
non-scope parameter `this` calling `toAbsolute`

So, the first question is: where in this code assignment to 
`this` happens?

But, what is more strange, is that if i change return type for 
method `toAbsolute` to `auto`, error disappears:

-    @safe Path toAbsolute() const {
+    @safe auto toAbsolute() const {

So, the second question is: what happens in this case?

PS: What is the status of preview `in`? Do it have sense to take 
it into account?

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