preview in: it seems that return type auto solves scope variable assignment to this

Dennis dkorpel at
Thu Feb 9 17:59:39 UTC 2023

On Thursday, 9 February 2023 at 17:42:00 UTC, Dmytro Katyukha 
> So, the first question is: where in this code assignment to 
> `this` happens?

When calling a member function like `other.toAbsolute`, you're 
assigning `other` to the implicit `this` parameter, as if you are 
calling `toAbsolute(this: other)`.

> So, the second question is: what happens in this case?

Functions with `auto` return get attributes inferred, just like 
template functions. The compiler infers `scope` based on the 
implementation of `toAbsolute`.

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