Allocator-aware @safe reference counting is still not possible

Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole richard at
Mon Jan 23 07:13:04 UTC 2023

On 23/01/2023 3:07 PM, jmh530 wrote:
> Another question is whether an affine type or qualifier is better than 
> @live for handling the borrow checker behavior. If such a thing existed 
> would there be a demand for isolated?

Yes I believe a type qualifier (scope), would be better suited towards a 
borrow checker than any other solution.

Essentially a borrow checker just says, an owning reference lifetime 
must exceed that of a borrowed reference. It guarantees the right order 
of death for them.

Its so simple, we already have a ton of logic to support this with 
DIP1000! We don't need new syntax, just some smarter semantics 
surrounding owning/borrowing.

Just to be clear, I don't think @live solves any problem that the D 
community has. It is useless.

Here is how much @live is used (note we know it is severely incomplete):

None. Not a one bug report. Nobody uses it today. Because we don't need it.

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