Bugzilla to GitHub Issues Migration

Vladimir Panteleev thecybershadow.lists at gmail.com
Fri Jun 23 08:42:47 UTC 2023

On Friday, 23 June 2023 at 08:34:43 UTC, Robert Schadek wrote:
> No, github is rate limited, 100 writes per ip per hour. One 
> comment at a time will end this migration project.
> [...]
> They have no software they have people 
> https://github.com/llvm/llvm-iwg/issues/56#issuecomment-1001707975 basically they have github people doing the have lifting.

It's surely both, right?

In any case, have we tried reaching out to GitHub to see if they 
can do the same for us?

If that doesn't work, we can do an incremental migration, with 
issues being moved one by one. Then, it is not time constrained.

> nobody has time to take a meaningful look at all the dmd issues.

We definitely shouldn't look at all of them, but a good sample of 
combinations of various interesting things like attachments or 
different formatting of example programs would be useful to check.

> Nothing is lost in the migration as the old data still exists 
> in the same place.

You're right that it should be possible to improve the formatting 
of imported issues after-the-fact, by editing the issue 
descriptions and comments. So, we should focus on things that 
will be difficult to change after-the-fact, such as URLs, 
preserving issue numbers, and preserving the comments-to-comments 

> I think this is just stalling stuff

No. Please, let's get this right. If you are not interested in 
ensuring we do everything to get it right, please let me know and 
I'll continue from here.

As I mentioned at the meeting from 2021, I'm not against 
migrating, but it needs to be done well so that we have no 
regrets afterwards.

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