D Language Foundation Weekly Planning Session Update

ag0aep6g anonymous at example.com
Mon May 15 05:49:42 UTC 2023

On 15.05.23 04:59, Mike Parker wrote:
> I'm not saying more about it right now because it's pointless for me to 
> explain IVY in detail in a forum post. It took us multiple sessions to 
> understand how it's going to help us. I'm going to have one-on-one chats 
> with contributors to bring them onboard because they'll need to know 
> about it in order for all of us to work with each other more 
> effectively. There's not a pressing need for non-contributors to 
> understand it, but we'd still love them for them to over time.

Why is it impossible for you to explain IVY in a forum post? Why does it 
need one-to-one chats to do that?

If I get invited to the backroom of the event, and I'm told my friends 
can't come with, I don't get excited. I get suspicious. Am I being 
recruited into a cult? Are my organs about to be harvested?

> Look, I'm putting these posts out there to let people know what's going 
> on. If they sound like "over-excited hype talk", it's because I'm 
> genuinely excited. If it doesn't interest you, that's fine. I'm not 
> trying to sell IVY to you. I'm trying to let you know that we're making 
> a concerted effort to solve the problems we've been suffering from for 
> years. IVY is just the tool we're using to do it.

I would love to read about IVY. Here. I am not interested in personal 
chats with you.

You do realize that I am a contributor. Not so much lately, but I made 
some solid contributions in the past. That makes me a prime target for 
your efforts, no? Get me back on board, motivate me to push D to excellence?

For this contributor here, IVY has achieved one thing so far: It put 
another brick in the wall between D's leadership and me.

> When I put out the call for Gripes and Wishes, [you said the 
> following](https://forum.dlang.org/post/rrwqvygxrgaitcvhoohh@forum.dlang.org):
> "I have no reason to believe that this new channel is going to be more 
> effective than the previous ones. Also, I want my airing of grievances 
> to be public, not neatly hidden away in your personal emails."
> I'm publishing the feedback this week. On Friday, we'll start going 
> through it all to sort it, prioritize it, and assign it. What we learned 
> in the IVY program will help us do that more effectively.

Meanwhile, the bug I mentioned in that post is still open.

If you want to use Agile, or Waterfall, or IVY, or whatever, go ahead. 
But it better help get bugs fixed. Otherwise, it's a waste of time.

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