Feedback from the Gripes and Wishes Campaign

Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole richard at
Thu May 18 17:13:15 UTC 2023

 > I wish Dub would create import libraries for Windows.

This should be the case.

If you need it in a scenario where it doesn't for DLL's, please file a 
bug report as it is a bug. It just requires tuning as to when to copy 
them (the linker will generate them if it sees exports).

Static libraries and object files don't have them, executables don't 
have a use case for them currently.

 > I believe dub could really get a target type which builds all static 
libraries dependencies and a main static library.

I'm waiting on Martin to get back to us about his work experimenting 
with shared library support in dub before working on a new target type 
that will allow this to happen.

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