OT: Short review of an unself "paper" Re: D Language Foundation Weekly Planning Session Update

Theo Theo at gmail.com
Sat May 20 04:16:44 UTC 2023

On Friday, 19 May 2023 at 07:07:19 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> ..
> What a waste of time that was! But at least it was mildly 
> entertaining.
> Ali

The only point for my referencing that theory, was in the 
relation to the promotion of IVY in this forum (and apparently at 
the next Dconf too). I simply wanted to demonstrate that people 
may have other 'beliefs' when it comes to the concept of self, 
the importance of the self, and the manner of cultivating, or 
not, that self.

I should also point out, that it was a 'HYPOTHESIS AND THEORY 
article', supported by a research grant received from the 
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, and published in a 
peer-reviewed journal 'Frontiers in Psychology', which is the 
most respected and most cited journal in its field!

That does not mean you should accept it. That is why its referred 
to in the journal, as a 'HYPOTHESIS AND THEORY article', and part 
of a broader set of articles exploring Eastern Philosophies and 
Psychology. One does not accept these things, just because they 
appear in a journal, no matter how well respected that journal 
is. That my friend, is what science is for!

But again, the only point for my presenting it, was to 
demonstrate that not everyone will support the IVY theory 
(either). It's presented as an organisational development, and so 
its actual agenda is hidden behind that, and you need to go look 
for it. I'm not inferring anything by saying that, but Saeed 
Sabeti is also the founder of another organisation. I expect the 
same motivations are being driven here as well (again, I'm 
certainly not inferring anything here, just saying that people 
should be aware of the philosophy that is behind these ideas, so 
they can make their own judgements as to whether it aligns with 
their 'self' concept.

The other reason I was motivated to raise this article in this 
forum, was because I studied and wrote about this very topic, 
extensively, during by Bachelor Degree in Psychological Science 
(at one of the most respected Universities in this country).

 From my perspective, IVY has no place in this forum or at DConf, 
anymore that Buddhism would. What people do to motivate 
themselves, is up to them. Please keep it that way. I don't want 
people preaching to me on this, or any other matter. I just want 
a programming language that I feel excited about when I use it. 
That is what this forum should be about, and what Dconf should be 

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