Good examples of version() algebra in real code

Dennis dkorpel at
Sun May 21 18:43:32 UTC 2023

D's version() statement deliberately does not allow composing 
version conditions with boolean operators `! || &&`, in order to 
avoid C's `#ifdef` hell. This is a controversial design decision 
though, because some people don't like the resulting verbosity 
you sometimes get. Discussions about this come up now and then, 
see for example [Issue 
7417]( and its 

The most recent incarnation of this comes from this Phobos PR 
proposing a library solution:

import std.compiler;

static if (Version.D_InlineAsm_X86 || Version.D_InlineAsm_X86_64)
     version = UseX86Assembly;

I don't expect this to get approval though, I said in the PR 

> I'll bring this up in the next DLF monthly meeting, but without 
> new compelling arguments, I don't expect a different outcome. 
> If you can demonstrate problems (other than it not looking 
> nice) in existing projects that the current logic causes, 
> you'll have a stronger case.

So far I haven't received any real code examples, so I'm asking 

Do you have any examples of existing projects (on github, dub, 
etc.) that either:

- demonstrate version algebra done well
- use a `Version`-like template successfully
- have real problems with existing `version()` statements 
(besides 'it looks ugly')

Please reply with links and don't rekindle the old arguments. I 
can't stop you, but know that it will only be counter-productive.

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