Future of D

jmh530 john.michael.hall at gmail.com
Mon Oct 30 15:22:01 UTC 2023

On Monday, 30 October 2023 at 14:30:25 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:
> [snip]
> Well. I took a quick look at phobos for example.
> And it's been almost unchanged since 2019.
> We discussed this on Discord trying to understand why.
> Some name Andrei "leaving" is a reason, Wilzbach was also a 
> contributor who left. And Jack Stouffer.
> Some mentioned that betterC got too much attention and someone 
> else said too heavy focus on nogc slowed things down in general.
> I don't know which of these are correct, but it's a bit 
> worrying.
> Do you have an explaination to why the number of contributions 
> to phobos has decreased so much since about 2018-2019?

I'm not sure how you're measuring "contributions", but I think 
there's a combination of phobos being more mature so less work 
needs to be done on it and code.dlang.org gaining more prominence 
in the community. If people have some new functionality they want 
to add, there is a much higher bar to get it added to phobos than 
to post a new library on code.dlang.org. That being said, there 
have been a few new modules in packages since 2018-9, such as 
std.sumtype (which itself began as a dub package).

A few years ago, Andrei had begun some effort to think about a 
phobos v2, but I haven't heard much about it since then.

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