D Language HTTP Server

user548215 user548215 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 5 17:59:23 UTC 2023

On Tuesday, 5 September 2023 at 15:59:06 UTC, Sergey wrote:
> It really depends on what is your requirements.

I'm not completely sure about my requirements yet, but I'm open 
to building something from scratch if necessary. The main reason 
I prefer using the D language is to contribute to the community 
and increase the usefulness of the D language through a couple of 
web projects I have. So, when starting the project, I'd like to 
use a strong HTTP server that can solve various issues. 'Handy 
Http' was a pretty user-friendly server for me, but if you 
recommend a better option, I'm also willing to consider using it.

> Btw please feel free to join Discord channel as well. There are 
> some discussions about http servers and web dev in general. I 
> find it more active and pleasant than this forum.

Can you share the Discord server link with me? I enjoy talking to 
web developers in the D language.

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