named arguments, string interpolation, please stop.

zjh fqbqrr at
Fri Jan 12 00:57:12 UTC 2024

On Thursday, 11 January 2024 at 19:53:10 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

> In order to assign tasks, one needs to actually employ people, 
> as I cannot assign anything to volunteers.

You don't need to `hire` anyone, you just need to carefully 
explain the `structure` of the `'dmd'` code, and then list 
`countless tasks`. Similarly, `break down` the big tasks into 
`small ones`. Create a list that `every user` can see, and then 
create an `incentive mechanism`!

`Break down` big tasks into small ones, and then let users solve 
them `one by one`. The difficulties are handed over to 
`management`, and the details are handed over to `ordinary users`.

`Encourage` users to solve practical problems related to 
themselves and tell them `where` to solve them. Users are like 
`writing plugins`.

What the user needs is, where can I solve my `small problem`? If 
possible, the user can solve it themselves! It is very important 
for users to `understand the compiler`!

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