[dmd-internals] Deprecation warnings and a trivial man page patch

Leandro Lucarella luca at llucax.com.ar
Tue Jul 12 21:16:54 PDT 2011

Michel Fortin, el 12 de julio a las 21:40 me escribiste:
> Le 2011-07-12 à 19:32, Leandro Lucarella a écrit :
> > Hi, I just wanted to hand you a patch I did to add a new option to show
> > deprecation messages as warnings (-di), following the discussion in the
> > announcement group. I know I should probably get an account in github
> > and do those pull requests everybody talks about, but it's too much
> > trouble for an occasional collaboration, I hope you are willing to take
> > a look at the patches and apply them if you like them (and if not, any
> > feedback would be appreciated). I didn't do a lot of testing either,
> > because is not trivial at all to set up a testing environment for the
> > compiler, so testing would be appreciated too (I know is easy to run the
> > test suite once you have a proper development environment set up). See
> > the patch descriptions for more details.
> > 
> > I hope you find the patches useful.
> Turned them into pull requests.
> <https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dmd/pull/244>
> <https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dmd/pull/245>
> But then I had to close the pull request about deprecation warnings.
> Not only it fails the test suite (I should have checked sooner), but for some strange reasons it generates errors while compiling druntime, and those errors aren't fatal as they should and thus don't prevent the build from being successful. They're also pretty strange considering the nature of the changes:
> src/core/thread.d(3723): Error: undefined identifier ucontext_t
> src/core/thread.d(2845): Error: undefined identifier GetSystemInfo
> src/core/thread.d(2854): Error: undefined identifier _SC_PAGESIZE
> src/core/thread.d(2895): Error: undefined identifier ucontext_t
> src/core/thread.d(3199): Error: undefined identifier ucontext_t
> src/core/thread.d(3206): Error: undefined identifier ucontext_t
> src/core/thread.d(3302): Error: undefined identifier ucontext_t
> src/core/thread.d(3332): Error: undefined identifier ucontext_t
> src/core/thread.d(3370): Error: undefined identifier ucontext_t
> src/core/thread.d(3464): Error: undefined identifier VirtualAlloc
> src/core/thread.d(3574): Error: undefined identifier VirtualAlloc

OK, all that errors have an static if (__tratits(compiles, symbol))

I'll try to figure out what's making the mess with __traits(compiles)...

Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)                     http://llucax.com.ar/
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