[Greylist-users] Some real world figures from a small domain

Evan Harris eharris at puremagic.com
Tue Jun 24 02:13:11 PDT 2003

On Mon, 23 Jun 2003, martin dempsey wrote:

> using for testing (about 20 users). Figures are for the last 12 hours (and
> the first twelve hours of greylisting):
> mysql> select count(*),sum(blocked_count), sum(passed_count) from relaytofrom;

Here are some other useful queries you might be interested in (I should
probably put these in the readme or dbdef file):

# get the delay time of the most persistant non-passed mails, in 5 minute buckets
select convert((UNIX_TIMESTAMP( last_update ) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP( create_time )) / 300, unsigned) as foo, count(*) from relaytofrom where record_expires < NOW() and blocked_count > 0 and passed_count = 0 and aborted_count = 0 and last_update > 0 group by foo order by foo;

# look at most prolific passed email counts of mail by delivering ip address (subnet)
select sum(passed_count) as num, substring_index(relay_ip, '.', 3) as net, mail_from, rcpt_to from relaytofrom where passed_count > 0 group by substring_index(relay_ip, '.', 3) order by num desc limit 100;

# look at most prolific blocked email counts by subnet
select sum(blocked_count) as num, substring_index(relay_ip, '.', 3) as net, mail_from, rcpt_to from relaytofrom where passed_count = 0 group by substring_index(relay_ip, '.', 3) order by num desc limit 100;

# Look at number of unique triplets as relates to number of passed and blocked emails grouped by ip.
select count(*) as mails,relay_ip,sum(blocked_count) as blocked,sum(passed_count) as passed from relaytofrom group by relay_ip order by blocked;

# Interesting to identify likely recurrent spammers that get through (may be legit tho) (only useful after a decent amount of runtime)
select count(*) as num,relay_ip,mail_from,rcpt_to,create_time,sum(blocked_count),sum(passed_count),sum(aborted_count) from relaytofrom where passed_count = 1 group by left(reverse(mail_from),10) order by num;

# Useful to find relays that should be manually whitelisted (if trusted) because of VERP with email tracking
#   but this can also be useful to find semi-legit spammers that don't change ip's.
select count(*) as num, relay_ip from relaytofrom where passed_count = 1 group by substring_index(relay_ip, '.', 3) order by num;

# WARNING - the following queries that use a. and b. prefixes are very
# long-running, since they are basically cross products.  Be prepared for it
# to run several minutes, and slow down significantly as the db grows.
# Also, they're pretty complicated, and I probably am missing something
# that could make them better, but oh well.

# Look at emails with same from and to addrs, but different ips (usually spammers using distributed zombies)
select a.id, a.relay_ip, b.relay_ip, sum(a.blocked_count) / count(*) as blkd, sum(a.passed_count) / count(*) as pass, a.mail_from, a.rcpt_to from relaytofrom a, relaytofrom b where a.mail_from = b.mail_from and a.rcpt_to = b.rcpt_to and a.id < b.id and a.relay_ip!= b.relay_ip and a.origin_type = "AUTO" and b.origin_type = "AUTO" group by a.id order by a.mail_from;

# Look at emails with same from and to, but create times that differ by at least 5 min
select a.id, a.relay_ip, b.relay_ip, sum(a.blocked_count) / count(*) as blkd, sum(a.passed_count) / count(*) as pass, abs(time_to_sec(a.create_time) - time_to_sec(b.create_time)) as diffcreate, a.mail_from, a.rcpt_to from relaytofrom a, relaytofrom b where a.mail_from = b.mail_from and a.rcpt_to = b.rcpt_to and a.id < b.id and a.relay_ip != b.relay_ip and a.origin_type = "AUTO" and b.origin_type = "AUTO" and abs(time_to_sec(a.create_time) - time_to_sec(b.create_time)) > 300 and a.aborted_count = 0 and b.aborted_count = 0 group by a.id order by a.mail_from;


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