[Greylist-users] greylist lib in C? + several Q's

Ken Raeburn raeburn at raeburn.org
Tue Aug 31 14:52:05 PDT 2004

Graham Toal <gtoal at gtoal.com> writes:

>> And turning on greylisting in a learning mode (recording triplets but
>> not tempfailing any mail)
> I don't think that tells you anything - you won't know whether or not
> they would have retried.

By "learning mode" I meant just building up a database of existing
mail "relationship" triples, so that once you switch on greylisting
"for real", a good portion of the regular mail your site gets would
already be in the database, and wouldn't even be delayed.  Some of
those triples will be spammers, granted, but those are likely to
expire after a while; I expect few spammers both use consistent IP and
sender addresses and don't retry delivery (though I've got no data to
back that up).

So while you're in learning mode, you get all the overhead of your
Greylisting implementation with none of the benefits.


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