[Greylist-users] dotster

Barb Dijker barb at netrack.net
Fri Jul 9 12:04:11 PDT 2004

Grr.  We have some users who have created domains on Dotster and 
forwarded all mail for those domains to their accounts on our system.  
I just thought the list might want to know the problems with Dotster:

1) They pool outgoing servers, so you have to at least turn on checking 
by subnet.
2) They do not retry in a timely fashion.  Retries seem to be more than 
5 hours more often than not - after the tempfail record expires by 

We have tried an experiment where we allow retries up to 25 hours.  It 
seems to compensate without allowing any significant quantity of spam.

Barb Dijker
Netrack, Inc., 3080 Valmont Rd Ste 200, Boulder CO 80301
303.938.0188, toll free 1.888.9Netrack, fax 303.938.0177

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