[MudWalker] Suggestions

Kevin Reid kpreid
Fri Nov 19 04:31:32 PST 2004

Yummy Potatoes <catchall at houseofspuds.com> wrote:

> A few suggestions I would like to share:
> 1. HTML Logging

I'll think about it.

> 2. Method for pausing the scroll text (if one doesn't exist)

"Scroll Lock" in the Edit menu.

> 3. as Mr. Figueiredo mentioned in his email, some form of AppleScript
> support would be nice

Does MudWalker crash for you in the same way as he described?

> 4. there seems to be an error on the mud I play with it lagging by one
> line, do I just have something misconfigured?

I've never heard of this. Can you be more specific?

> 5. option to display a newline when you send text

Display a newline? What do you mean - a blank line after each "> ..."

Kevin Reid                            <http://homepage.mac.com/kpreid/>

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