[MudWalker] A trio of feature requests

Kevin Reid kpreid
Wed Mar 23 06:54:13 PST 2005

George Vidas <gvidas at gladstone.uoregon.edu> wrote:

> A proper 'gag matched text' checkbox would be awesome++, or some direct
> to channel "null" option that doesn't bother drawing/storing the text.
> As would text highlighting (change matched text to color x) 

Both are on the todo list.

> and some 
> way to send @@message() to specific windows.

I've never thought of that, and MudWalker has no way to do it

However, this will work, though it will not open a channel window that
isn't already open:

  @@arg.linkable:link_send(new_lineString("<your message here>",
"MWLocalRole"), "channel_<your window name here>")

Here's the definition of message():

  function message (str)
    arg.linkable:link_send(new_lineString(str, "MWLocalRole"), "inward")

The definition of this and other functions may be found, if you want to
study the accessible guts of MudWalker, inside the MudWalker package at


Kevin Reid                            <http://homepage.mac.com/kpreid/>

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