[MudWalker] Re: A few scripting features requests

Kevin Reid kpreid
Sun Jul 24 05:39:55 PDT 2005

On Jul 21, 2005, at 17:07, Rakoth wrote:

> 'lo. Here are a few requests for things that would improve Mudwalker 
> scripting.
> - along with arg[] also supply "argc" - a variable with the number of
> parameters supplied to the script. I hate it when my scripts can accept
> variable number of parameters, and I must check for each until i find 
> "nil"
> just so I know how many I have got. Of course I can take the arg[0] 
> and split
> it myself, still "argc" would make things easier.

I've just added something like that.

What I have now is that arg.count (AKA arg["count"]) will return the 
count of (numbered) arguments not including arg[0].

That is, a script triggered by ^([^ ]*) says, "(.*)"$ will see an 
arg.count of 2.

Everyone, does this sound OK?

> - An ability to _programmatically_ switch triggers on and off (also 
> aliases,
> macros, in future - folders of the former).

Yes, this is planned.

> - Another ability Rapscallion has - to grab selection from the 
> terminal window into a variable.

I've added this to the todo list.

Kevin Reid                            <http://homepage.mac.com/kpreid/>

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