[MudWalker] Unsupported version of client?

Michael Beatty mbeatty at gmail.com
Tue Jan 9 22:40:49 PST 2007

Probably the fault of the mud you're playing.  It maybe has an
official client (maybe java on the mud's webpage?), and operates less
than ideally or not at all with other mud software?

Just a guess though, without knowing what mud it is.

On 1/10/07, Bradford Barr <bradford.barr at gmail.com> wrote:
> I keep getting an error in the main window of mudwalker saying:
> ==================================================================
>     You are using an unsupported version of the client software.
>     Please update by forcing a reload of the page and reconnect.
> ==================================================================
> Is that mudwalkers fault, or is it the mud I am playing in?  If it is
> mudwalker how do I force a reload? Are there help files somewhere I
> could read on this?
> Thanks in advance,
> //Brock
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Michael Beatty | proto at beattys.us

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