[phobos] [Fwd: Network in phobos]

Lars Tandle Kyllingstad lars at kyllingen.net
Thu Apr 8 01:11:24 PDT 2010

I have two comments to this.

1. Style guide:

There really should be a formal set of guidelines.  Currently, as a new 
contributor to the project, I have to look at the various modules, try 
to guess which ones are up-to-date, and then mimic the style of those 
modules as best I can.

It seems that someone (Jesse Phillips?) has done quite some work on this 
page, which looks to me like a good starting point:


Some notable things which are missing from this page:

   - Capitalisation of enums and immutables

   - Free functions vs. static member functions:
         auto r = acquireResource();
         auto r = Resource.acquire();

   - Function template parameters vs. ordinary function parameters:
         enum Option { foo, ... }
         doStuff(someData, Option.foo);

   - Templates vs. new symbols:
         enum Option { bar, baz }
         struct Foo(Option opt) { ... }

         struct FooBar { ... }
         struct FooBaz { ... }

2. Code review:

It seems to me that the sensible thing to do when making major changes 
to a part of the library is to create a new branch.  (Steve did this for 
the std.process development.)  Before merging the branch back into 
trunk, one can send an e-mail to this list requesting feedback and approval.

What is not clear to me, is where to draw the line between a major 
change that needs approval by the project leader/group, and a minor 
change that doesn't.


Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> [Context: the tail of an exchange between Adam Ruppe and myself. You may 
> want to chime in with thoughts regarding admission of code into Phobos.]
> On 04/01/2010 09:33 AM, Adam Ruppe wrote:
>> Yes, that'd be very cool!
> Sorry for being slow on this. Great! Please send me your username and 
> I'll add it to Phobos.
>> Do you guys have a guide as to what goes in and what doesn't? I lot of
>> the stuff I write is "hey, look what I hacked up over the weekend. It
>> works for me!" - I assume phobos should be held to a higher standard
>> than that, but where is the line?
> We don't have a formal set of guidelines, and unfortunately there is no 
> mechanism in place to do code reviews before they are checked in. (See 
> my other email.)
> There is some code in Phobos that I'm not very fond of (streams) and 
> some code that is well-intended but just "not there" (std.encoding). 
> There's some good code that doesn't conform almost at all with the 
> prevalent Phobos style (std.json).
>> There's two levels to this question too: what kind of functionality is
>> in and what is out, and also what kind of sloppiness is out? For
>> example, this code is only set for Linux - before committing, should I
>> test on Windows, or is a "this is linux only for now" function ok too?
> I think it's ok to implement something only on one OS initially. It has 
> happened before, and it's actually beneficial because people get 
> encouraged to submit their own port.
> Andrei
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