A library similar to boost::bind

Lutger Lutger_member at pathlink.com
Fri Jul 7 07:35:42 PDT 2006

I'm a little late, but thanks!!! I was hoping somebody would do this. It works
like a charm. 

I tried studying the source, and while it's a LOT better to follow than boost, I
discovered I don't understand metaprogramming at all (yet), unfortunatly.
Can I ask you, how can I use the Tuple type and what are it's features?
This much I figured out:

Tuple!(int,int) someTuple;
someTuple.val!(1) = 5;
assert(someTuple.val!(1) == 5);

In article <e74hrn$1eo5$1 at digitaldaemon.com>, Tom S says...
>Hey there :)
>I've created a template lib similar to boost::bind 
>Grab it here:
>Basically, it allows the coder to create 'bound' functions, with some of 
>their args fixed, but also other fancy stuff.
>void foo(int a, int b) {}
>// create a function out of foo with the second argument fixed to 4
>auto b1 = bind(&foo, Arg0, 4);
>b1(3);	// calls foo(3, 4)
>// create a function out of foo with reversed args
>auto b2 = bind(&foo, Arg1, Arg0);
>b2(1, 2);	// calls foo(2, 1)
>// create a function out of foo with both args fixed
>auto b3 = bind(&foo, 5, 6);
>b3();	// calls foo(5, 6)
>It can also be used for function compositing, like:
>int bar(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
>auto b4 = bind(&foo, bind(&bar, Arg0, Arg1), Arg2);
>b4(1, 2, 3);	// calls foo(bar(1, 2), 3)
>auto b5 = bind(&foo, bind(&bar, Arg0, Arg0), Arg0);
>b5(1);	// calls foo(bar(1, 1), 1)
>If a function is declared to take different types that are then bound to 
>a single param type, automatic type negotiation is done:
>void func(int a, float b) {}
>auto b6 = bind(&func, Arg0, Arg0);
>b6(123);	// ok, b6 expects an int
>Basically, out of all types for wich Arg[n] is to be used, the one is 
>found that can be casted to all other
>An additional feature of the library is an ability to expand tuples, e.g.
>Tuple!(int, float) func2() { return makeTuple(1, 2.2f); }
>auto b7 = bind(&func, bind(&func2));
>b7();	// calls func(1, 2.2f)
>Although func expects two arguments and func2 returns just one, func2 
>returns a Tuple composed of types that match 'func' so it's 
>expanded/decomposed to allow such a nesting
>The 'bind' function returns an object with an overloaded opCall method. 
>You can grab a delegate from it by calling .ptr() instead.
>More examples can be found in the archive
>There's a problem with the library though. It only seems to work on the 
>windows version of DMD. When compiled on linux, DMD segfaults without 
>providing any reasonable error message :(
>What could also be improved upon, are error messages in case when some 
>types don't match
>Anyway, all constructive feedback is welcome. If you have any feature 
>suggestions or bug reports, I'd be glad to hear them
>Tomasz Stachowiak  /+ a.k.a. h3r3tic +/

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