RFC on range design for D2
Sergey Gromov
snake.scaly at gmail.com
Tue Sep 9 03:20:22 PDT 2008
Andrei Alexandrescu <SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org> wrote:
> Sergey Gromov wrote:
> > - what's a collection? How do you get a range out of there? Collection
> > should be a range itself, like an array. But it shouldn't be destroyed
> > after passing it to foreach(). How to achieve this if foreach()
> > essentially uses getNext()?
> These are great questions, I'm glad you asked. The way I see things, D2
> ranges can be of two kinds: owned and unowned. For example D1's ranges
> are all unowned:
> [snip]
> A better design would be to define collections that own their contents.
> For example:
> Array!(int) a(100);
> This time a does own the underlying array. You'd be able to get ranges
> all over it:
> int[] b = a.all;
I really don't like to have basic language constructs implemented as
templates. It's like Tuple!() which is sorta basic type but requires
template trickery to really work with it.
> So now we have two nice notions: Arrays own the data. Ranges walk over
> that data. An array can have many ranges crawling over it. But two
> arrays never overlap. The contents of the array will be destroyed (BUT
> NOT DELETED) when a goes out of scope.
This invalidates the idea of safe manipulations with data no matter
where you've got that data from.
> About the "collection should be a range itself" mantra, I've had a
> micro-epiphany. Since D's slices so nicely model at the same time arrays
> and their ranges, it is very seductive to think of carrying that to
> other collection types. But I got disabused of that notion as soon as I
> wanted to define a less simple data structure. Consider a matrix:
> auto a = BlockMatrix!(float, 3)(100, 200, 300);
> defines a block contiguous matrix of three dimensions with the
> respective sizes. Now a should be the matrix AND its range at the same
> time. But what's "the range" of a matrix? Oops. As soon as you start to
> think of it, so many darn ranges come to mind.
If you cannot think of a natural default range for your collection---
well, it's your decision not to implement range interface for it. But
if it does have a natural iteration semantics, it should be possible to
auto a = new File("name");
auto b = new TreeSet!(char);
foreach(ch; a)
foreach(ch; b)
writeln("unique char ", ch);
Here is the problem. First foreach() naturally and expectedly changes
the state of an object a. Second foreach() naturally and expectedly
does not make changes to object b.
File is an Input range in your notion. It supports isEmpty() and
getNext(), it is non-copyable (but, note, referenceable).
TreeSet is a Collection, which you don't discuss. It implements opSlice
() without arguments, which is required and sufficient to define a
collection. opSlice() must return a range that, at least, supports
input range operations.
foreach() checks if a passed object implements opSlice() so that it can
iterate non-destructively. If no opSlice() is provided, it falls back to
> a) A matrix owns its stuff and is preoccupied with storage internals,
> allocation, and the such.
> b) The matrix defines as many range types as it wants.
> c) Users use the ranges.
No problem. The matrix lives as long as a range refers to it. As
> Inevitably naysayers will, well, naysay: D defined a built-in array, but
> it also needs Array, so built-in arrays turned out to be useless. So how
> is that better than C++ which has pointers and vector? Walter has long
> feared such naysaying and opposed addition of user-defined array types
> to Phobos. But now I am fully prepared to un-naysay the naysayers:
> built-in slices are a superior building block to naked pointers. They
> are in fact embodying a powerful concept, that of a range. With ranges
> everything there is can be built efficiently and safely. Finally,
> garbage collection helps by ensuring object ownership while preserving
> well-definedness of incorrect code.
Slices need to implement random access range interface, that's all.
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