Revised RFC on range design for D2
frank at youknow.what.todo.interNETz
Fri Sep 26 23:09:45 PDT 2008
Sergey Gromov wrote:
> In article <gbjihf$2803$1 at>,
> frank at youknow.what.todo.interNETz says...
>> [...]
>> I wouldn't go so far as to call that property of C a design mistake in
>> light of the actual intensions of K&R. But I definitely would defend
>> the choice of a language designer to change that feature in light of
>> more modern programming paradigms.
> Functions in D are first-class values. It's awkward that a first-class
> value cannot be accessed by its identifier.
Awkward my sed! Why should a parameterless call be *the* natural meaning
of function identifier access, as opposed to the reference or content?
I don't go for that kind of absolutism, and you don't make sense to me.
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