Revised RFC on range design for D2
kennytm at
Sat Sep 27 01:03:18 PDT 2008
0ffh wrote:
> Sergey Gromov wrote:
>> In article <gbjihf$2803$1 at>,
>> frank at youknow.what.todo.interNETz says...
>>> [...]
>>> I wouldn't go so far as to call that property of C a design mistake in
>>> light of the actual intensions of K&R. But I definitely would defend
>>> the choice of a language designer to change that feature in light of
>>> more modern programming paradigms.
>> Functions in D are first-class values. It's awkward that a
>> first-class value cannot be accessed by its identifier.
> Awkward my sed! Why should a parameterless call be *the* natural meaning
> of function identifier access, as opposed to the reference or content?
> I don't go for that kind of absolutism, and you don't make sense to me.
It may not be "the" natural thing, but it is confusing.
Someone may hate it, but let me compare with other popular languages:
Function call Func. ptr. / Func. obj. / delegate Note
D func(), func &func, func (as a template argument)
C-like func() func, &func [1]
Python func() func
Perl func, func() "func" (access by &{"func"}()) [2]
VB 6 func AddressOf func [2]
VB.NET func() AddressOf func [2,3]
C# func() new DelegateType(func) [3]
Ruby func, func() &:func (??) [2,4]
Java func() <<No such thing??>>
PHP func() func, "func" ($x="f";$x();)
Pascal func func [5]
awk func() <<No such thing>> [6]
sed b label <<No such thing>> [6]
So, from this table, we see that (except Pascal), if the language calls
a function by f(a,b,c,d), then only f() will be considered a valid
function call, and a function pointer / function object / delegate is
mostly accessed using f, &f or "f".
If D deviates from the norm, fine, since I'm not a language designer,
but from the view of programmers also familiar with, hmm, C, C++,
ECMAScript, Python and/or PHP, this decision will very likely introduce
obstacles or even bugs in development.
1. "C-like" includes C, C++ and ECMAScript (Javascript).
2. I haven't tried what func will give in VB.NET and C#
3. In VB 6, Perl and Ruby it is acceptable to write "func 4,5" to mean
func(4,5), so it may be unfair to compare with D which "func 4,5" is
syntax error.
4. The &:func syntax for Ruby never worked for me. But I'm using Ruby 1.8.
5. I haven't tested what func really does in Pascal/Delphi, but from
online sources (JFGI) it seems that func will return a function pointer
if it is passed to a function pointer type.
6. Since you mentioned AWKward my SED... ;p
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