LDC 0.9 released

dsimcha dsimcha at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 11 11:01:40 PST 2009

== Quote from Elrood (arno at nym.net)'s article
> Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> >
> > Is MSYS/MinGW needed for building LDC/LLVM on windows? I found that to be a
> > problem with GCC.
> >
> LLVM can be built with MSVC, and LDC is in the works. However, this is
> experimental, there are some issues left, and since LLVM relies on GCC
> to generate native code, MinGW will still be necessary anyways; so the
> recommended way is to build LLVM and LDC via MSYS/MinGW for now. If you
> run into problems feel free to join #ldc on freenode, feedback is always
> welcome.
> Please keep in mind that, as Christian already mentioned, there's no
> support for exception handling on Windows in LLVM yet, and although
> we're working on it we might not get to a solution until this is fixed
> in LLVM, so LDC's usability on Windows is very limited at the moment.
> This release is really just intended for x86-32 Linux.

I finally got LLVM to build properly, but now I'm trying to build LDC for Windows
using the latest version of
msys/mingw and CMake with MinGW make files, and I'm getting the
following error:

Can't open perl script "E:/msys/1.0/home/dsimcha/ldcBin/revisions.pl":
No such file or directory
mingw32-make[2]: *** [revisions.h] Error 2
mingw32-make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/gen_revs_h.dir/all] Error 2

It seems that CMake isn't generating revisions.pl correctly from revisions.pl.in,
but I haven't the slightest clue why.

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