D code running on the Nintendo 3DS

Pander freschiandrea86 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 20 14:49:24 UTC 2019

On Sunday, 20 October 2019 at 06:06:48 UTC, TheGag96 wrote:
> Hi, all. I wanted to get into the world of 3DS homebrew, but I 
> really didn't feel like coding in C or C++. So, through an 
> effort of sheer will, I somehow got a hello world example 
> written in D up and running, along with bindings for most of 
> libctru and citro3d.
> https://github.com/TheGag96/3ds-hello-dlang
> Included are instructions on how to set this up (although it's 
> pretty hacky). I imagine one could easily start writing Switch 
> homebrew in D by following most of these steps as well. Once 
> GCC 10 comes out with an updated GDC, it might become a pretty 
> attractive alternative to C/++ for such projects if some work 
> is put into bindings and stuff.
> Hope someone finds this interesting!

I'm really gonna give it a try. Really nice, nice work.

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