Joka: A Simple Nogc Utility Library (WIP)

Kapendev alexandroskapretsos at
Thu Aug 8 06:57:52 UTC 2024

On Thursday, 8 August 2024 at 01:09:44 UTC, Jeremy Baxter wrote:
> A friend of mine is trying to set D up with WebAssembly, I'll 
> be sure to share this with him.

Nice. Keep in mind that it relies on the C std, so you'll need 
something like Emscripten to make it work.

> Are you doing game development in the browser using WASM or 
> just more general low level stuff?

I mostly make games for Windows and Linux. I only use WASM so 
people can play my game jam games in their browsers without 
having to download anything or deal with virus warnings. Here’s a 
game I made with D that runs in browsers:

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