I Made A Game (Again)

IchorDev zxinsworld at gmail.com
Sat Aug 24 11:32:43 UTC 2024

On Saturday, 24 August 2024 at 09:16:49 UTC, Kapendev wrote:
> Btw, you can play the game on a phone too. It's not perfect, 
> but it works. You can read the page for how it works. Thanks 
> anyway.

Yes, my bad! I tried the game a couple of hours ago after I 
remembered it has a web version. It’s a cute game, and I can 
concur that the visuals are very GB-esque. On my device I do see 
some visual issues presumably caused by the player sprite’s 
coordinates not being rounded during the death animation, but 
other than that the game seems to run & render perfectly which is 

> If you get any weird errors while trying to compile, then make 
> an issue. I will try to fix it.

Who knows, I might even submit a PR. It seems like a decently 
simple package so I can’t imagine fixing anything would be too 

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