D Language Foundation May 2024 Monthly Meeting Summary

Dukc ajieskola at gmail.com
Fri Aug 30 13:49:09 UTC 2024

Mike Parker kirjoitti 28.8.2024 klo 10.43:
> I asked who wanted to join me as moderators. Steve and Dennis both 
> volunteered. Átila noted that covered all the time zones.

Great! And also great job from yourself moderationg so far!

> When I announced the new DIP process, the one thing I hadn't yet worked 
> out was how to handle DIPs from Walter and Átila. I believed that if 
> Walter wrote a DIP and could persuade Átila to approve it, that should 
> be enough, and vice versa. But I remembered the big community blowup 
> over the safe-by-default DIP and how we responded to that by requiring 
> Walter and Átila to find someone else to take on their DIP ideas. We'd 
> since decided that was a mistake, but I didn't want to make an arbitrary 
> decision myself about how to handle their DIPs in the new process.
> [snip]

I don't think there's anything in particular wrong with the process. 
Àtila just happened to make a poor decision when approving that DIP of 
Walter. If anything, maybe it could help if you *didn't* discuss it 
face-to-face before making the decision. The forum feedback is all just 
text without much human element, so it's probably easier to be fair to 
the DIP if your last-minute personal exchanges about it are also just 

> Walter asked if everyone remembered his string interpolation proposal. 
> There was just him, and then everybody else. It was a pretty painful 
> thing for him, all the arguing about it. He didn't like what happened, 
> but he eventually threw in the towel on it. He couldn't fight everybody 
> on it. He still thought it had been a bad idea to give up, but he 
> accepted that the community wanted a different approach.

That was an excellent thing to do.

All this (the whole summary, not just this paragraph) sounds like you 
(especially Walter but not just him) still weigh community opinion on 
the DIPs far less than it'd be wise. I get it, it isn't a democracy, but 
nonetheless how much you respect the opinions of regular users heavily 
affects the popularity of the foundation and the language. It ought to 
be only in very rare special cases that you decide against an 
overwhelming opinion. I see a bit improvement in understanding this 
point, maybe thanks to IVY, but not as much as I'd like.

Sorry for being harsh. I appreciate that you still keep writing these 

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