D Language Foundation May 2024 Monthly Meeting Summary

Mike Parker aldacron at gmail.com
Fri Aug 30 14:30:37 UTC 2024

On Friday, 30 August 2024 at 13:49:09 UTC, Dukc wrote:

> All this (the whole summary, not just this paragraph) sounds 
> like you (especially Walter but not just him) still weigh 
> community opinion on the DIPs far less than it'd be wise. I get 
> it, it isn't a democracy, but nonetheless how much you respect 
> the opinions of regular users heavily affects the popularity of 
> the foundation and the language. It ought to be only in very 
> rare special cases that you decide against an overwhelming 
> opinion. I see a bit improvement in understanding this point, 
> maybe thanks to IVY, but not as much as I'd like.
> Sorry for being harsh. I appreciate that you still keep writing 
> these summaries.

I can't understand how that's the impression you get from this. I 
was looking for a solution that would find a balance between the 
"dictatorial" aspect of approving DIPs authored by Walter and 
Atila and the input of the community when a DIP is unpopular.

I think what we've settled on will help with that. Had something 
like this been in place when that safe-by-default DIP was 
proposed, I expect the outcome would have been very different. It 
wouldn't have made it to approval without modification. That's 
the point here.

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