D Language Foundation May 2024 Monthly Meeting Summary

Dukc ajieskola at gmail.com
Sat Aug 31 10:35:14 UTC 2024

On Saturday, 31 August 2024 at 08:29:57 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> Regarding contributor morale, we do consider it. Of course we 
> do. That's what motivated us to go through Ucora's program, to 
> expand our meeting team, to overhaul the DIP process, to start 
> inviting stakeholders from the community to the planning 
> sessions we have when we're discussing issues related to their 
> interests.
> It's why these days I push Walter and Atila for more verbosity 
> in their rationales when they approve or reject a DIP. They are 
> both very terse when they initially let me know their decision. 
> I'm the one writing the announcement in the forums, so I want 
> to make sure I understand the rationale fully and that it 
> adequately addresses potential questions. I've learned the hard 
> way that even uncontroversial decisions need a solid rationale 
> that everyone can understand.

Ok, maybe I just read more to the nuances of the summary than 
there actually is. And in any case, clearly you do consider my 
points important already.

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