basic py2many.pyd work at language/syntax level in my dlang fork now

Witold Baryluk witold.baryluk+dlang at
Fri Jul 12 19:13:26 UTC 2024

On Friday, 12 July 2024 at 18:13:10 UTC, mw wrote:
> Hi,
> I have made basic py2many.pyd work at language/syntax level in 
> my dlang fork:
> The following examples works now:
> py2many/ 13:56:23$ ls ./tests/expected/*.d
> ./tests/expected/bubble_sort.d
> ./tests/expected/cls.d
> ./tests/expected/fib.d
> ./tests/expected/import_tests.d
> ./tests/expected/classes.d
> ./tests/expected/dict.d
> ./tests/expected/hello_world.d
> ./tests/expected/nested_dict.d
> Please use this Makefile for local setup and run tests:
> I haven't created PR to be merged into the main branch, since 
> it's better to pass all the tests.
> The remaining work is to make Python's specific feature (e.g. 
> async), library (e.g. complex number, NamedTemporaryFile) work 
> in D. There are many things need to be done, if you have time, 
> you can pick up from my fork, and work from there. (E.g. you 
> can create PR to my branch, and when everything is ready, we 
> submit to the main py2many all together).
> The more people can help, the faster we can get this done.
> HTH.

Pretty interesting project.

Of note is my old project (it still works, and sees sporadic 

this is a source converter from Python-like syntax to D. It 
supports all D features. It does not use Python syntax or 
parsers, but rather Python inspired syntax.

I find most of them time, D syntax is already clean enough, that 
dmt, is already enough.

I will take a look more into py2many.

I also do hope you complete it, and merge upstream.

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