Redub v1.3.9 : A faster build system promising 90% compatibility with dub

aberba karabutaworld at
Mon May 6 14:58:05 UTC 2024

On Saturday, 4 May 2024 at 11:40:27 UTC, Hipreme wrote:
> Hello guys. It has been some time since my last post on forum 
> regarding redub.
> It has improved a lot on its newest versions. Since it has been 
> put to prove on Hipreme Engine as its main build system, there 
> were a bunch of updates that I've done that made it even 
> faster, reliable, with more support to features that one can 
> encounter in dub. There is still a plenty of niche features 
> that dub has that it wasn't implemented, but, by now, I'm 
> pretty sure it should have achieved its 90% of compatibility :)
> [...]

Gonna try it soon.

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