Interfacing SQLite with DLang is very easy - why?

Selim Ozel sozel at
Mon Sep 2 04:00:28 UTC 2024

On Monday, 2 September 2024 at 02:04:59 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> On Sunday, 1 September 2024 at 16:18:47 UTC, Selim Ozel wrote:
>> I am still scratching my head about how I did this and if I 
>> made any mistakes because it feels quite un-natural to be able 
>> to link together an output compiled by gcc with dmd. If 
>> someone could please explain how & why this works, I'd greatly 
>> appreciate it!
> D has been ABI compatible with C from the beginning. It uses 
> the same object file formats and the same linkers that C 
> compilers use. The earliest D users, at a time when there were 
> no D libraries, could write their programs in D and incorporate 
> the existing C ecosystem. A lot of the modules people shared 
> back then were just bindings to C libraries.

Wow, I started using D only five years ago & genuinely didn't 
know this. Amazing. Thank you.

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