D Language Foundation May 2024 Monthly Meeting Summary

Dukc ajieskola at gmail.com
Mon Sep 2 12:51:40 UTC 2024

Timon Gehr kirjoitti 31.8.2024 klo 18.44:
> On 8/31/24 17:41, Timon Gehr wrote:
>> On 8/30/24 22:36, Dukc wrote:
>>>  > He said that going forward, accepting a bad DIP would be less 
>>> consequential than it had been in the past once we had editions. In 
>>> the worst case, we'd have one thing more to maintain in an 
>>> intermediate edition before it was fixed. Maybe that was a 
>>> calculation we could take into consideration. Átila said that was a 
>>> good point.
>>> You should be at least as worried about the damage to contributor 
>>> morale on a bad decision as about the damage to the language. 
>>> Editions do good job limiting the latter but not the former. If you 
>>> accept that you can see why this attitude is unnerving.
>> Rejecting a DIP can be one of those bad decisions.

Good point. It's easier to accept a DIP with popular pressure behind 
when there's a way to back off if necessary.

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