[Issue 8774] 2.059 worked 2.060 does not: nested delegate memory corruption

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Wed Dec 26 06:01:42 PST 2012


--- Comment #19 from Dmitry Olshansky <dmitry.olsh at gmail.com> 2012-12-26 06:01:41 PST ---
Reduced a tiny bit further and there 2 versions that work fine: OK and OK2. 
Both are seemingly unrelated to the test. 

void popFront(A)(ref A[] a)
    a = a[1 .. $];

private struct MapResult(alias fun, Range)
    alias Range R;
    R _input;

    this(R input)
        _input = input;

    @property bool empty()
        return _input.length == 0;

    void popFront()
            _input = _input[1 .. $];

    @property auto ref front()
        return fun(_input[0]);

    @property auto length()
        return _input.length;

    alias length opDollar;

int sliceBefore;

void corrupt( immutable int numberOfThreads ) {
    immutable n = 1000000000 ;  
    immutable sliceSize = n / numberOfThreads ;
    sliceBefore = sliceSize;
    auto threads = MapResult!( ( int i ) {
        auto closedPartialSum() {
            version(OK2){} //omit ii and it works
                immutable ii = i ;
            return delegate ( ) {
                assert(sliceSize == sliceBefore);
        return closedPartialSum();     
    }, int[]) ( [0] );

    //create array of delegates and copy them using range-based foreach
    auto dgs = new void delegate()[threads.length];
    size_t i=0;
    foreach(dg; threads) //empty-front-popFront
        dgs[i++] = dg;

    foreach(dg; dgs)

void main(){

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