[Issue 20257] Implement waitTimeout() in std.process

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Fri Jun 12 11:01:42 UTC 2020


--- Comment #1 from Dlang Bot <dlang-bot at dlang.rocks> ---
@MoonlightSentinel created dlang/phobos pull request #7528 "Issue 20257 - Add
wait(Pid, Duration) for windows" mentioning this issue:

- Issue 20257 - Add wait(Pid, Duration) for windows

  `wait(Pid, Duration)` allows to wait until the process terminates
  or the timeout expires.

  It's currently windows-only because a decent posix implementation
  is quite difficult and this allows us to sort out the API beforehand.



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