budding d programmer seeking guidance for an issue

Yash Bhambhu basyambhu at gmail.com
Sat Dec 28 20:05:46 UTC 2019

I am working on issue #20412 which is
std.range.pustd.outputrange.put() misbehave s when defined for 
void[] misbehaves when OutputRange.put(void[] exists)

  I started checking one by one for which case matches for input 
ranges and output range in put function and concluded that it 
matches the last if-else statement which is

  else static if (isInputRange!E && is(typeof(put(r, e.front))))

and it then pops front till range is empty which is its expected 
behavior but when we call put(r,e) it spits out random jargon 
which cant be in any possible case that comes under the power of 
put function.
I'm seeking further help and guidance on the same.

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