Visual D seems to have a new bug

Brett Brett at
Thu Oct 3 04:32:33 UTC 2019

On Wednesday, 2 October 2019 at 20:48:42 UTC, Rainer Schuetze 
> On 02/10/2019 18:04, Brett wrote:
>> I was able to build and copy the file and all that but when I 
>> attach and add a BP on, say line 345 below the BP is missing 
>> and says symbols are not loaded. I took all the pdb's and put 
>> them in a directory and added the dir too the symbols dir in 
>> the VS options but it is still missing. Also the "modules" are 
>> not showing any symbols for mago... all visual studio 
>> stuff(mainly .net, not sure why they would be showing).
>> "This breakpoints will not currently be hit. Symbols not 
>> loaded"...
>> I use attach to process then find devenv.exe of the target D 
>> app(not the app itself but the visual studio process running 
>> it since I imagine that is the one running the mago dll).
> Copying the pdb should not be necessary because it is 
> referenced by the absolute path.

I copied just to be sure.(using the build environment to copy 
every build)

> I suspect that you have selected "Managed code" only when 
> attaching to the process. You have to select/add "Native code".

No ;/ It was automatic, I then set it to native and same problem.

;/ I tried again and it worked. I made sure to set native and 
managed. I thought I tried that but... it's still not loading but 
now it does show it and the info says that the image does not 

Not sure why but at least it seems to be working now! I had to 
delete everything and start over. In any case, now I can play 
around with it and see what I can come up with ;)


I thought

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