FLTK native in 'D'. Would that be useful?

MatthiasM dm at matthiasm.com
Sun Aug 13 05:37:21 PDT 2006

I had a little more time and managed to port pushhbuttons and keyboard 
handling. The "button" demo works pretty well now.

I also ported the standard dialogs (messages, alerts, simple choices), 
and apart from the Fl_Input widget, the seem to work.

Group resizing is now implemented as well.

So, just in case you are writing a GUI app on Mac that only needs 
pushbuttons in a window, D-FLTK is usable for you ;-)


PS: since I don't have the terminating 0 in "D" strings, you will 
sometimes see additional letters popping up in labels. This still 
requires fixing. The code is in "D/fl/draw.d", called fl_measure and 
fl_draw... .

PPS: download is still only via svn from:

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