build dwt-win pb

Bjoern nanali at
Tue Feb 12 06:56:19 PST 2008

Frank Benoit schrieb:
> Bjoern schrieb:
>> have pb to build dwt win. use tango rev 3152, dmd 1025, dwt-win 
>> snapshot / error in dwterror. Ideas ?
>> dsss 0.75
>> WTError line : 146 undefined identifier info ... and so on
>> :* Note: printStackTrace(PrintStream) and printStackTrace(PrintWriter)
>>  * are not provided in order to maintain compatibility with CLDC.
>>  * </p>
>>  */
>> public void printStackTrace () {
>>     Stderr.formatln( "stacktrace follows (if feature compiled in)" );
>>  ->   foreach( msg; info ){
>>         Stderr.formatln( "{}", msg );
>>     }
> I believe you have an older tango version as you think. May be there is 
> a mistake in the include path, or an old copy in dsss. Or at least you 
> use an old version of the object.di.
> In tango rev 3145 there was an update that removed the TracedException 
> and added the functionality in Exception. With that, the Exception has 
> an "info" member.

Okay solved, incl. examples . old object.di, modified sc.ini
Last problem :
ControlExample can't find resource file... So do I;

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