DWT-Win gentle remarks
doobnet at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 08:12:39 PST 2008
John Reimer wrote:
> Bjoern wrote:
>> 1) I hope that the usergdi etc. modifications will be merged into Tango.
> We don't know how or if that will happen yet. But we definitely need to
> fix that somehow. Having the directory structure that we have currently
> is suboptimal.
>> 2) Using the latest dwt snapshot requires opengl32.lib. Please add
>> this file to the lib. download
> Right...I forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder. It also requires
> glu32.lib as well.
>> 3)Do you see a chance that DWT-X will be bundled with Tango to ease
>> installation ?
>> Bjoern
> I have no idea. But I'm not sure if it should. This is a fairly large
> library and adding all dwt platforms to the tango distribution would
> severely bloat the download. I think it will be important to package
> dwt-win and dwt-linux in an easy-to-install format, however.
> One option I'm thinking about is a sort of dsss package (making it easy
> to install like dsss net install). All you should have to do is
> download the latest stable release of dwt (packaged something like
> DD-dwt-win-vXX.zip) and install the package locally with something like
> "dsss install DD-dwt-win-vXX.zip" which would install the *.di files and
> library. This would make for simple integration of the package into
> IDE's and such. But currently dsss does not have this feature... would
> be kind of nice, though. ;)
> -JJR
What about "dsss net install dwt", that is usually very simple
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