Well I'm progressing -slowly

Ty Tower tytower at hotmail.com.au
Tue Feb 19 14:12:23 PST 2008

Jérôme M. Berger Wrote:

> 	That's from the glibc package. You must also install the
> glibc-devel package. If you have, there should be a /usr/lib/libm.so
> (which should be a symlink to one of the others). If this symlink is
> not there, I suggest reinstalling glibc-devel.
> 	You might also want to try "rpm -V glibc-devel" to make sure that
> your install has not been corrupted somehow.
> 		Jerome

I think you may have found it for me Jerome , looks like some corruption has crept in 
Here's the output

[root at linuxbox tytower]# rpm -V glibc-devel
missing     /boot/kernel.h-2.6.17
missing     /usr/lib/libm.so
[root at linuxbox tytower]#

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